Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)
Appearance of the ears is important for the whole face aesthetic. Prominent ears are assumed as a sign of beauty in some societies but it can cause to be mocked and to be marginalized especially for children. If there is no other complaint than prominent ears, an operation can be made from five years of age upward of the child. The problem can be solved early if the operation is made on that age because the child is unaware of the postoperative effects. Prominent ears aesthetic operations are not risk-bearing implementations both for adults and children.
This operation is administered under general or local anesthesia and it does not require the patient to stay in hospital. Incisions are made on the back of the ear and cartilages of the ears are pulled over to the scalp after being reconstructed.
A bandage which can apply pressure is wrapped around both of the ears after the surgery. Painkillers are sufficient for the post operative aches. The bandage is removed on the day after the surgery and the patient uses tennis player band just like the bandage covering both of the ears for 3 or 4 weeks.
Rubescence and swelling on the ears will fade away in 3 or 5 days. This operation does not affect hearing and recovery period will end in a week or two. Ear surgeries do not scar and their fast recovery period influences the patient’s life positively.
If the operation is administered with an appropriate method reverting back is a remote possibility.
During ear surgeries the patient does not feel pain because these operations are administered under local anesthesia. Post operative aches can be relieved by taking painkillers.

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How Is Ear Aesthetic Surgery Performed?
Incision is made from behind the ear during the ear aesthetics surgery that can be performed on one or both ears under general or local anesthesia. The cartilage structure, which disrupts the shape of the ear, is reached with the incision made from behind the ear and the excess parts of the ear cartilage are removed, sutured and the new shape is given to the ear The region is sterilized, the ears are bandaged and the operation is terminated after prominent ear surgery.
During otoplasty, only the prominent ear problem cannot be resolved; the shapes of the ears can be reconstructed to be compatible with each other, the excess skin and cartilage in the large ears can be removed or the ear lobe can be shaped.
It is aimed to achieve the ear shape which will be most appropriate, natural and improve the appearance of the person after ear aesthetics.
Post-Eaar Aesthetic Surgery
The patient can return to their daily life within an average of 1 week after the otoplasty performed with a minimally invasive technique. The healing process is fairly rapid, but it is important to renew the bandages at the designated time zones by the expert surgeons as recommended in order to prevent the infection.
The Importance Of Ear Aesthetics
People with deformities in their ears feel psychologically disturbed by their appearance. They are likely encountered with sarcastic discourses with the beginning of their school life, especially during childhood. Thus, it is recommended that the prominent ear surgery be performed at the age of 5 to 6 years when the ear development is complete. When their peers involuntarily say the sarcastic words, it can deeply affect the whole lives of the children who have prominent ear problem. This problem, which can lead to the loss of self-confidence and the alienation from social life if not treated, prevents the child from being psychologically harmed if it is resolved without starting their school life.
Ear aesthetics surgery can also be applied to adults. It also improves significantly the lives of adults who want to heal their appearance and get rid of problems with their ear structure that has put them to inconvenience for years. They gain self-confidence and so, they can be more successful in both their business life and social life.
Non-Surgıcal Prominent Ear Aesthetics
Along with the advancement of medical technologies and the emergence of new applications, a new alternative has been offered to those who have prominent ear problem. “Incisionless prominent ear aesthetics”, which is performed without any surgical intervention, is preferred by people who do not have much ear deformation. This procedure stretching the cartilage of the ear from behind the ear with invisible stitching is more effective when being performed during childhood.