Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Abdominal stretching surgery can be performed to correct the sagging and enlargement in the abdominal region after diet or stomach reduction and due to pregnancy. The basic principle of the operation is to apply tightening stitches to remove excess skin structure and restore the relaxed abdominal muscle tension. With this surgery, the tears (stria) on the skin that are formed due to weight or pregnancy in the abdomen are also removed.
Mini Tummy Tuck
If only the sagging skin is removed and the tightening sutures are not applied to the abdominal muscle structure, it is called the mini abdominal stretching. It can be applied if there is no strong relaxation in the muscles or if there is a strong muscle structure and slight skin sagging.
Preoperative evaluation
Your abdominal area is examined and excess skin and looseness of the abdominal muscles are evaluated. If there is an increase in adipose tissue on the navel and trunk sides, Liposuction procedure can be performed in the same surgery. The patient is informed about the surgical process, post-operative and possible risks. In order to have a tummy tuck surgery, your body mass index must be appropriate. For this, the skin fat thickness and tension is evaluated during the examination. If there is not enough thinness and sagging, you will need to lose weight. I do not find it appropriate to be done before 6 months after birth. If you have previous surgery, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic diseases such as goiter, allergy to any medicine or food, you should definitely inform if you have medications you have to use. If you are smoking, you should quit before surgery, and you should not drink until the stitches heal afterwards.
Hospital and Operating Room process
Preoperative examinations are prepared on the same day or 1 day before. You should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before the surgery. If the results are evaluated by the anesthesiologist and there is no obstacle, your surgery can be performed. The patient will not feel any pain during the procedure as it is performed under general anesthesia. The average operation time is 2 hours and the time spent in the operating room will be longer after the patient is put to sleep and awakened.
In the postoperative service, you will be given antibiotics and pain medication. You will be discharged the next day by making a control examination and being called for a check-up on the 3rd day.
After the tummy tuck surgery, a drain is inserted to remove the fluid and leaking blood between the tissues. Drains are removed when incoming quantity decreases (after 3-7days).
Post-operative pain and return to work?
You may feel tension and pain (drain exit points) in your abdomen in the first days after the surgery. Your pain will decrease with using the prescribed drugs and removing the drain, about 7-10. you will be able to go back to work after days.
Is there a stitch mark?
The amount of scar left after the surgical incision depends on the tissue healing of the patient, the sewing technique and care of the surgeon. Even if all patients are sewn using the same sewing technique and material, the amount of scars that will remain from person to person will differ. Age, skin color, diseases accompanied by skin tension, smoking, post-operative care and hygiene are the determining factors for the scar. In the early period, the pink line-shaped stitch line completes healing after about 12 months and becomes compatible with your skin color. In some patients, hypertrophic scar may occur due to unlimited wound healing. In this case, silicone press plates, silicone gels are used on the red bouncy stitch lines, and finally, steroid injection may be required.

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Is the surgery risky?
In operations performed under general anesthesia, risks can be divided into 2 depending on anesthesia and surgery. Considering the developing anesthetic equipment and technology, procedures are performed much more safely than in the past. Laboratory tests performed before surgery are checked and if necessary, consultation is requested from other branches. If you have a chronic illness, an allergy to any medication, a problem you have had in your previous surgery, you should definitely tell. You should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before the surgery. You should follow this rule to prevent any food in your stomach from leaking into your lungs during surgery and experiencing major problems.
Surgical risks; Infection is accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, opening at the seams, loosening of the stitches thrown on the abdominal muscle membrane. Antibiotic treatment is given after surgery to prevent infection. Regular dressings should be performed and the place of surgery should not be left open until the surgeon allows.
In order to remove the accumulated fluid and blood in the abdomen in the early period, a drain is placed and the amount that is coming in is not removed until the amount decreases (3-7 days can be waited).
In the tummy tuck surgery, although stitches are sutured under the skin and under the skin, certain points may sometimes open. This can be caused by skin tension, problems in the patient´s tissue healing, accompanying diabetes, goiter, smoking, regular use of corset, improper movement, lifting heavy items. In such a case, it can either be followed by dressing according to the amount of opening or stitching can be made to that area again. The patient should use the abdominal corset for at least 1 month according to the physician´s instructions, the first 7-10 days should be slightly bent forward and should not lift heavy items.
In rare cases, if there is an opening or loosening of the sutures in the intra-abdominal muscle membrane, it may be necessary to rectify according to the patient´s condition.