Breast Lift
During adolescence, despite the end of breastfeeding or breast gain due to weight gain may be larger than normal. Heavy and sagging breast tissue causes neck and back pain, hunchback, skin irritation-itching-redness, numbness in the arms, not being able to breathe comfortably, not being able to use proper bras and clothes, and restricting social life.
With breast lift surgery, excess breast tissue is removed and the sagging breast is erected and the ends are moved to the appropriate point according to the height and body structure of the person.
Before surgery
Women who are over the age of 18 who have the above-mentioned complaints due to breast sagging, who do not have any obstacle in general anesthesia may have this surgery.
During the interview, the size of the breasts, sagging length, symmetry and body structure are evaluated and the amount of shrinkage desired by the patient is learned. Information is given about the surgical technique to be applied, the hospital and the next process. The reduction procedure to be made can be adjusted between certain rates upon the request of the patient.
I recommend all patients to have breast Usg before surgery and those who are over 40 years old. If a suspicious mass is in the surgical field, I take it for surgery and send it for pathological examination for the examination of the part.
Pre-surgery preparation;
If you have previous surgery, high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic diseases such as goiter, allergy to any medicine or food, you should definitely inform if you have medications you have to use.
If you have breast cancer or diseases in your family, make sure to mention it.
I recommend that patients who undergo breast surgery have a breast Usg before surgery and mammography if age is appropriate. Such imaging reports will be required to detect breast masses and to follow up postoperatively.
Hospital and Operating Room process
Preoperative examinations are prepared on the same day or 1 day before. You should not eat or drink anything 8 hours before the surgery. If the results are evaluated by the anesthesiologist and there is no obstacle, your surgery can be performed. The patient will not feel any pain during the procedure as it is performed under general anesthesia. The average operation time is 2_ 3 hours and the time spent in the operating room will be longer after the patient is put to sleep and awakened.
In the postoperative service, you will be given antibiotics and pain medication. You will be discharged the next day by making a control examination and being called for a check-up on the 3rd day.
After the breast reduction surgery, a drain is inserted in order to remove the liquid and leaking blood between the tissues. The drains are removed on the 3rd day when the incoming quantity decreases.
You should use the gathering medical bra for at least 4 weeks. In the next period, I suggest you to use athlete half athlete.

Request an Appointment
What is the risk of breastfeeding?
The risk of breastfeeding varies according to the shrinking technique. If the sag amount is low, the risk is very low according to the technique to be used. However, if the nipple sags about 18-20 cm and the breast tissue is weak, the risk of not breastfeeding is higher. Such risks can always occur, although I have not had any breastfeeding problems until now. While these risks are low in reverse T and vertical scar technique, they are much higher in free nozzle technique.
Post-operative pain and return to work?
On the first day after the operation, you may feel mild pain (drain exit points) and tension in the breast. Your pain will decrease with the use of prescribed drugs and the drain on the 3rd day, and you will be able to return to work after about 6-7 days.
Is there a stitch mark?
The amount of scar left after the surgical incision depends on the tissue healing of the patient, the sewing technique and care of the surgeon. Even if all patients are sewn using the same sewing technique and material, the amount of scars that will remain from person to person will differ. Age, skin color, breast size, concomitant diseases, smoking, post-operative care and hygiene are the determining factors for the scar. In the early period, the pink line-shaped stitch line completes healing after about 12 months and becomes compatible with your skin color. Patients can often compare with a cesarean stitch scar, but a more stretched skin seam during breast reduction surgery. Cesarean surgery, on the other hand, can be said that there is no scar since there is a loose skin suturing.